Kamis, 29 Juni 2017


Created by:
·         Maulana Arismaya            15613352
·         Adhima Wahid N              10613176
·         Iqbal Nurfikri                    14613458
·         I Kadek Bhaskara               14613157
·         Semri Yanto .H                 18613364
Source Language (SL)
Google Translation (GT)
Target Language(TL)
Translation Strategy (TS)
Same sex marriage becomes hot topic lately among society around the globe, after U.S legalize it. Some people believe that same-sex marriage can bring several benefits, while others believe that same-sex marriage is forbidden because of reasons.
Pernikahan seks yang sama menjadi topik hangat akhir-akhir ini di kalangan masyarakat di seluruh dunia, setelah U.S melegalkannya. Beberapa orang percaya bahwa pernikahan sesama jenis bisa membawa beberapa manfaat, sementara yang lain percaya bahwa pernikahan sesama jenis dilarang karena alasan.
Pernikahan sesama jenis menjadi topik hangat akhir-akhir ini di kalangan masyarakat di seluruh dunia, setelah AS melegalkannya. Beberapa orang percaya bahwa pernikahan sesama jenis dapat membawa beberapa manfaat, sementara yang lain percaya bahwa pernikahan sesama jenis itu dilarang karena beberapa alasan.
Word for word
For those who agree, same sex marriage can brings some benefits. First, marriage is an internationally recognized human right for all people and same-sex marriage is a civil right.
Bagi yang setuju, pernikahan sesama jenis bisa membawa beberapa manfaat. Pertama, pernikahan adalah hak manusia yang diakui secara internasional untuk semua orang dan pernikahan sesama jenis adalah hak sipil.
Bagi yang setuju, pernikahan sesama jenis dapat membawa beberapa manfaat. Pertama, pernikahan adalah hak asasi manusia yang diakui secara internasional untuk semua orang dan pernikahan sesama jenis adalah hak sipil.
Word for word
Second, marriage is not only for procreation, otherwise infertile couples or couples not wishing to have children would be prevented from marrying, so as same sex marriage.
Kedua, pernikahan tidak hanya untuk prokreasi, jika pasangan atau pasangan tidak subur tidak ingin anak-anak dicegah untuk menikah, maka sama seperti pernikahan sesama jenis.
Kedua, pernikahan tidak hanya untuk hanya urusan meneruksan keturuan, jika pasangan tidak subur atau pasangan tidak ingin memiliki anak, apakah pernikahan tersebut juga harus dilarang, begitu pula juga dengan perkawinan sesama jenis.

Word for word 
In other hand, some people who disagree with same sex marriage have some reasons to oppose it.
Di sisi lain, beberapa orang yang tidak setuju dengan pernikahan sesama jenis memiliki beberapa alasan untuk menentangnya.
Di sisi lain, beberapa orang yang tidak setuju dengan pernikahan sesama jenis memiliki beberapa alasan untuk menentangnya.
Word for word
First, the institution of marriage has traditionally been defined as being between a man and a woman.
Pertama, institusi pernikahan secara tradisional didefinisikan sebagai antara pria dan wanita.
Pertama, institusi perkawinan tradisional telah didefinisikan sebagai antara seorang pria dan seorang wanita.
Word for word
Second, allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adult gratification.
Second, allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adult gratification.
Kedua, memungkinkan pernikahan gay akan hanya lebih lanjut menggeser tujuan pernikahan dari memproduksi dan membesarkan anak-anak hanya untuk kepuasan saja.
Word for word

Translation methods:

Newmark, Peter.1988. A Textbook of Translation.Great Britain: Prentice Hall International.

Kamis, 11 Mei 2017



Nama Kelompok                     : 1.Adhima Wahid Nugroho   10613176
                                                  2.Maulana Arismaya             15613352
                                                  3.I Kadek Bhaskara AP        14613157
                                                  4.Iqbal Nurfikri                     14613458

                                                  5.Semriyanto Honin              18613364

 Source Language
 Google Translate
 Translation Strategy
 In preparation for becoming humanity’s overlords, robots have started controlling turtles. By first getting the reptiles to associate a red light with food, the shell-attached robots can dictate where the turtle moves around a tank, creating a rather unusual parasitic relationship
 Sebagai persiapan untuk menjadi tuan tanah manusia, robot mulai mengendalikan kura-kura. Dengan terlebih dahulu mendapatkan reptil untuk mengaitkan lampu merah dengan makanan, robot yang terpasang di shell dapat menentukan di mana kura-kura bergerak mengelilingi sebuah tangki, menciptakan hubungan parasit yang agak tidak biasa.
Sebagai persiapan untuk menjadi maharaja umat manusia, robot telah memulai mengendalikan kura-kura. Pertama dengan memperkenalkan reptil pada makanan dengan lampu merah, robot yang telah terpasang pada cangkang dapat menentukan kemana penyu  bergerak di sekitar tanki, menciptakan hubungan parasit yang tidak biasa.
 Even with the huge progress made in recent years, robots still have some serious limitations. Making their motion robust enough to survive the rigours of daily life is an ongoing battle, as is the puzzle of providing them with enough energy to avoid spending hours recharging.
Bahkan dengan kemajuan besar yang dicapai dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, robot masih memiliki beberapa keterbatasan serius. Membuat gerak mereka cukup kuat untuk bertahan hidup kerasnya kehidupan sehari-hari adalah pertempuran yang terus berlanjut, seperti juga teka-teki memberi mereka energi yang cukup untuk menghindari pemborongan waktu berjam-jam. 
 Bahkan dengan kemajuan pesat yang dicapai dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, robot masih memiliki keterbatasan yang mengkhawatirkan. Membuat gerakan mereka cukup kuat untuk bertahan dalam keseharian adalah tantangan yang terus berlanjut, seperti layaknya teka-teki dalam memberikan mereka energi untuk menghindari pengisian waktu berjam-jam.
 Word for word
 Nature, on the other hand, can do this easily. Millions of years of evolution have given rise to an incredible variety of efficient ways for animals to move, so researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon set about harnessing this factor.
 Alam, di sisi lain, bisa melakukan ini dengan mudah. Jutaan tahun evolusi telah melahirkan variasi yang luar biasa dari cara yang efisien bagi hewan untuk bergerak, sehingga para periset di Institut Teknologi Sains dan Teknologi Korea (KAIST) di Daejeon mulai memanfaatkan faktor ini.
 Alam, di satu sisi, dapat melakukan ini dengan mudah. Jutaan tahun evolusi telah melahirkan variasi efisien yang luar biasa bagi para hewan untuk bergerak, jadi para peneliti ahli di Institut dan Teknologi Korea (KAIST) di Daejeon mulai memanfaatkan faktor ini.
 Word for word
 Robots were first glued to the backs of five red-eared slider turtles. The robots comprised a processor, a frame that stuck out in front of the turtle’s head holding five red LEDs spaced apart, and a food-ejecting tube. They then had to ride their turtle through five checkpoints in a tank filled with water.
 Robot pertama kali terpaku pada bagian belakang lima kura siku bertelinga merah. Robot terdiri dari sebuah prosesor, bingkai yang menonjol di depan kepala penyu yang memegang lima LED merah terpisah, dan tabung pengumpan makanan. Mereka kemudian harus mengendarai kura-kura mereka melalui lima pos pemeriksaan di sebuah tangki berisi air.
 Robot pertama kali tertambat di bagian belakang penyu siku bertelinga merah. Robot ini terdiri dari prosesor, sebuah kerangka yang menonjol di bagian depan kepala penyu yang terpasang lima LED merah yang terpisah, dan sebuah tabung pemberi makanan. Selanjutnya mereka harus mengarahkan penyu mereka melewati 5 pos pemeriksaan dalam sebuah tanki yang berisi air.
 The turtles were first conditioned to associate a lit-up LED with food. The robot then simply guided it using the LEDs and fed it snacks as a reward for going in the right direction. Using this process, five robot-turtle pairs successfully completed the course, and each sped up with practice.
 Penyu pertama dikondisikan untuk mengaitkan LED dengan makanan. Robot kemudian hanya membimbingnya menggunakan LED dan memberinya makanan ringan sebagai hadiah untuk masuk ke arah yang benar. Dengan menggunakan proses ini, lima pasang penyu robot berhasil menyelesaikan kursus, dan masing-masing mempercepat latihan.
 Penyu pertama kali dikondisikan untuk mengairkan LED dengan makanan. Kemudian robot secara sederhana membimbing mereka untuk menggunakan lampu LED dan memberi panganan sebagai hadiah untuk pergi ke arah yang tepat. Melalui proses ini, lima pasang robot penyu berhasil menyelesaikan rangkaian pelatihan, dan masing-masingnya dipercepat dengan latihan.
 Word for word
Newmark, Peter.1988. A Textbook of Translation.Great Britain: Prentice Hall International.

Rabu, 12 April 2017


Created by:
·         Maulana Arismaya            15613352
·         Adhima Wahid N              10613176
·         Iqbal Nurfikri                    14613458
·         Ikadek Bhaskara               14613157
·         Semri Yanto .H                 18613364
Source Language (SL)
Google Translation (GT)
Target Language(TL)
Translation Strategy (TS)
About 10 of 8 adults really like the habit of drinking coffee.
Sekitar 10 dari 8 orang dewasa benar-benar seperti kebiasaan minum kopi.
Sekitar 8 dari 10 orang  dewasa sangat menyukai  kebiasaan minum kopi.
Literal Translation
Coffee is a drink that is derived from the seeds of the fruit of the coffee that‘s been crushed.
Kopi adalah minuman yang berasal dari biji buah kopi yang telah hancur.
Kopi merupakan minuman yang berasal dari biji buah kopi yang sudah dihaluskan.
Free Translation
There are many types of coffee, ranging from coffee robusta coffee, badgers etc.
Ada banyak jenis kopi, mulai dari kopi robusta kopi, luak dll
Ada banyak jenis kopi, mulai dari kopi robusta, kopi luak dan lain sebagainya.
Literal Translation
In addition to the useful as relievers drowsiness and body warmers, coffee drinks also have other benefits for skin health and beauty.
Selain berguna sebagai penghilang rasa kantuk dan tubuh penghangat, minuman kopi juga memiliki manfaat lain untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit.
Selain berguna sebagai minuman penghilang kantuk dan minuman penghangat tubuh, kopi juga mempunyai manfaat lain untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit.

Word for word Translation
in addition to nourish the body, all of the content also has the ability to nourish the skin because the coffee also has benefits for the skin, especially on the part of the face.

selain menyehatkan tubuh, semua konten juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menyehatkan kulit karena kopi juga memiliki manfaat bagi kulit, terutama pada bagian wajah.
Selain dapat menyehatkan tubuh, semua kandungan tersebut juga mempunyai kemampuan untuk menutrisi kulit karena kopi juga mempunyai manfaat untuk kulit, terutama di bagian wajah.

Word for word Translation
The benefits of coffee for the face also already proven, because there are some places face care spa and salon which has been coffee to use face masks.
Manfaat kopi untuk wajah juga sudah terbukti, karena ada beberapa tempat yang menghadapi spa perawatan dan salon yang telah kopi untuk menggunakan masker wajah.
Manfaat kopi untuk wajah juga sudah terbukti, karena ada beberapa tempat spa dan salon perawatan wajah yang telah menggunakan kopi untuk masker wajah.
Literal Translation

Translation methods:

Newmark, Peter.1988. A Textbook of Translation.Great Britain: Prentice Hall International.

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017


Created by:
·         Maulana Arismaya            15613352
·         Adhima Wahid N             10613176
·         Iqbal Nurfikri                    14613458
·         Ikadek Bhaskara               14613157
·         Semri Yanto .H                 18613364
Source Language (SL)
Google Translation (GT)
Target Language(TL)
Translation Strategy (TS)
Though this made no scientific sense, its seemed to work.
Meskipun ini tidak masuk akal ilmiah, yang tampaknya bekerja.
Walaupun secara ilmiah tidak masuk akal, tapi kelihatannya memang berhasil.
The shower’s shortage of water pressure and low showerhead made it all but useless for showering, but it worked a great as a smoke screen.
kekurangan kamar mandi untuk tekanan air dan pancuran rendah membuat semua tapi tidak berguna untuk mandi, tetapi bekerja besar sebagai layar asap.
Kecilnya tekanan air dan kepala pancuran yang pendek membuatnya hampir tidak berguna untuk mandi, tapi sangat bagus sebagai penghalau asap.
Sadly, it made a poor airon.
Sayangnya, itu membuat Airon miskin.
Sayangnya, pancuran bukan penyetrika yang bagus.
He matched the short with the blue tie decorated with horizontal lines of little pink flamingos.
Ia cocok pendek dengan dasi biru dihiasi dengan garis horizontal flamingo merah muda kecil.
Ia memasangkan kemejanya dengan dasi biru berhias gambar burung-burung flamingo kecil yang membentuk garis horizontal.
Free translation
Just then, Sara knocked on the door.
Saat itu, Sara mengetuk pintu.
Tepat saat itu, Sara mengetuk pintu.
I’d seen her once or twice before, but the colonel never introduced me to her and didnt have a chance to that night.
Aku pernah melihatnya sekali atau dua kali sebelumnya, tapi kolonel tidak pernah memperkenalkan saya ke dia dan tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk malam itu.
Aku bertemu satu atau dua kali dengannya, tapi kolonel tak pernah memperkenalkan kami dan tak sempat melakukannya malam itu.
Word for word
Translation methods:
Newmark, Peter.1988. A Textbook of Translation.Great Britain: Prentice Hall International.

Senin, 16 Januari 2017

Tugas 4 Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

1.The Ponderosa pine is _____________ of most the timbers used by forest product firms in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
a.The source
b.As source
c.The source which
d.because the source

Answer : A. The Source

5.Underlying aerodynamics and all other branches of theoretical mechanics are the laws of motion who were developed in the seventeenth century.

Answer : D.Who

7.After listening to Humphry Davy,Faraday realized that _______
a.Wanting to be a scientist
b.Being a scientist
c.wanted to be scientist
d.he wanted to be a scientist

Answer : C.Wanted to be scientist

Rabu, 23 November 2016



  1. Aides said Mr. Comey, a Republican appointed by President Obama three years ago, decided that he could live with criticism of his judgment
  2. Matthew Miller Was this information Congress needed to know urgently? Of course not,a Clinton supporter who was the chief spokesman at the Justice Department under former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

Tugas 2 Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer 1

F.B.I. Chief James Comey Is in Political Crossfire Again Over Emails


WASHINGTON — James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, faced a dilemma on Thursday when deputies briefed him about the discovery of a trove of emails that might be linked to the inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s private email server that was closed months ago.

Mr. Comey could immediately inform Congress about the emails, which were found in an investigation into former Representative Anthony D. Weiner. That unusual step, months after Mr. Comey had cleared Mrs. Clinton of any criminal wrongdoing in the email case, would risk accusations that he was unfairly harming her presidential campaign less than two weeks before the election.

Or he could delay any announcement and examine the new emails more closely, risking criticism that he had suppressed important new information if it came out after the election, despite his pledges of “transparency” in the investigation.

Mr. Comey, a Republican appointed by President Obama three years ago, decided that he could live with criticism of his judgment, aides said. So on Friday morning, the F.B.I.’s congressional liaison emailed a letter from the director to the chairmen and ranking members of eight congressional committees — virtually ensuring that it would be quickly publicized by eager Republicans.

The reaction was swift and damning, with Mrs. Clinton’s supporters and even some Republicans blasting Mr. Comey. Indeed, Mr. Comey, who was attacked this summer by Democrats and Republicans for both his decision not to bring charges against Mrs. Clinton and for the way he handled it, found himself in an even stronger crossfire on Friday.

By late Friday, Mr. Comey felt it necessary to further explain his actions in an email to F.B.I. employees in which he acknowledged that “there is significant risk of being misunderstood.” He explained that he was trying to balance the obligation he felt to tell Congress that the investigation he had said was completed was continuing, with not knowing yet “the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.” 

cross Pennsylvania Avenue from the F.B.I., Justice Department officials were said to be deeply upset about Mr. Comey’s decision to go to Congress with the new information before it had been adequately investigated.

That decision, said several officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, appeared to contradict longstanding Justice Department guidelines discouraging any actions close to an election that could influence the outcome.

One official complained that no one at the F.B.I. or the Justice Department is even certain yet whether any of the emails included national security material or was relevant to the investigation into whether Mrs. Clinton had mishandled classified material in her use of a private email server.

“The F.B.I. has a history of extreme caution near Election Day so as not to influence the results,” Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, said in a statement. “Today’s break from that tradition is appalling.”

“Was this information Congress needed to know urgently? Of course not,” said Matthew Miller, a Clinton supporter who was the chief spokesman at the Justice Department under former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

Some Republicans praised Mr. Comey on Friday for his integrity and independence in coming forward with the new information. But praise was largely drowned out by criticism, with even some of Mrs. Clinton’s biggest opponents upset at Mr. Comey’s sudden re-emergence in what they said was a bungled case.

“This is as bad for Comey as it is for Hillary,” said Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, a conservative advocacy group that has successfully sued for access to thousands of Mrs. Clinton’s private emails.

Mr. Fitton said the cryptic nature of Mr. Comey’s letter to Congress begged for an explanation of what new material the F.B.I. had found, whether it involved national security material relevant to the initial investigation, and why it was not found earlier.

“This letter raises all sorts of questions that Comey and the F.B.I. should have to answer,” Mr. Fitton said. “They can’t roll this out in the middle of a presidential campaign and just leave it at that.”
F.B.I. officials said Mr. Comey was well aware that his decision would draw fire from many sides. Mr. Comey — who at 6-foot-8 is a dominating and charismatic figure — has not shied from the public spotlight and has shown an independent streak throughout his career.

As deputy attorney general in the George W. Bush administration, he butted heads with top White House officials for his refusal to sign on to a National Security Agency surveillance program. And he clashed with Mr. Obama and other administration officials last year over what he saw as a “Ferguson effect” discouraging the police from actively pursuing suspects.

The investigation of Mrs. Clinton and her aides has been a major reason the bureau, more than at any time since at least the Watergate era, has been drawn uncomfortably into a presidential campaign.

Mr. Comey and his aides had hoped to put the Clinton email controversy behind them this summer, when he decided — in unusually public fashion — not to seek criminal charges against Mrs. Clinton or anyone else after a yearlong investigation.

But tensions have lingered, with Mr. Comey facing sharp second-guessing from Republicans on Capitol Hill and continuing questions from even his allies.

This month, when the moderator at a conference of police chiefs in San Diego asked him about the email controversy, Mr. Comey turned the question into a laugh line. “I appreciate you bringing it up,” he deadpanned. “That’s behind us. Nobody really cares anymore.” The chiefs responded with knowing laughter.

Mr. Comey got so many calls from former agents and others after he decided this summer not to pursue charges that he had to change his phone number posted online. And at a recent meeting with retired agents, he was still fielding tough questions about the decision.

I have no patience for suggestions that we conducted ourselves as anything but what we are — honest, competent, and independent,” Mr. Comey wrote in a September email to employees. “Those suggesting that we are ‘political’ or part of some ‘fix’ either don’t know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both).”

But while the relentless Republican criticism of Mr. Comey’s decision not to bring charges against Mrs. Clinton has received the most attention, both Democrats and Republicans have sought to help their presidential candidates, demanding investigations into their rivals one moment, then slamming Mr. Comey the next.

In recent months, the F.B.I. has dealt with the fallout from the email decision, wrestled with whether to pursue tips about the Clinton family foundation and opened a wide-ranging counterintelligence case into whether Russia is trying to influence the election. Just this week, the F.B.I. defended itself from accusations that Democrats had curried favor with the deputy director by making donations to his wife’s failed State Senate campaign in Virginia.

F.B.I. agents say their community meetings invariably lead to questions about what the bureau is or is not doing in connection with the election. Mr. Comey has urged his agents to stay above the fray. But many of them worry that regardless of the election’s outcome, the F.B.I. might end up the loser.